英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 19:09:15
  • 英英释义


1. look on as or consider

e.g. she looked on this affair as a joke
He thinks of himself as a brilliant musician
He is reputed to be intelligent

Synonym: think ofreputelook uponlook onesteemtake to be

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

And even in developed markets, property, which many people regard as stable, will always be prone to volatility.(而且即便是在发达市场中,被许多人认为稳定的房地产仍将总是易于反复无常。)
In the boom years, hedge-fund managers could afford to refuse such requests, which they tended to regard as too much hassle.(在繁荣时代,对冲基金经理们可能可以拒绝这些被他们认为是存在太多争议要求。)
To do something my brain would regard as creative.(做一些我的大脑认为有创造性的事情。)
They hate being told what to do by managers, whom they regard as dullards.(他们憎恨被发号施令,在他们眼里,经理人是傻瓜。)
Ask a psychopath what he is supposed to do in a particular situation, and he can usually give you what non-psychopaths would regard as the correct answer.(如果询问一名精神病态者,在一个特殊的情况下他会做什么,那人总会给出一个让精神正常者认为正确的答案。)
Though Saudis frequently scoff at what they regard as foreigners' obsession with the driving ban, it is a perennial topic of private argument.(虽然沙特人经常借此开涮,认为此等禁令只能困扰外国人,但是这是私下争论永恒的话题。)
Thus a painful episode that most regard as closed might be reopened, to disruptive effect in the north.(因此以前被大多数人认为已经结束的痛苦的插曲可能重新开始,对北爱造成破坏性的影响。)
What's considered typical or proper social conduct in one country may be regard as odd, improper or even rude in the other.(在一个国家中被认为是典型或适当的社会行为,在另一个国家中可能被视为古怪,不当甚至粗鲁的行为。)
I recall quite happily downing local brandy and lemonade, a combination I would regard as an abomination in London, on our one and only holiday in Cyprus.(记得曾经有一次,也是唯一一次在塞浦路斯度假时,我非常高兴地喝了当地的白兰地加柠檬水,一种我在伦敦非常讨厌的混合饮料。)
But in traditional dictionaries, simple collocations are often regard as phrasal verbs, for example.(但传统词典忽视了内容与形式的差别,把简单搭配也视为短语动词而加以定义。)
regard as是什么意思 regard as在线翻译 regard as什么意思 regard as的意思 regard as的翻译 regard as的解释 regard as的发音 regard as的同义词